西安 ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM 交换机 库存备货 西安 ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM 交换机 库存备货 西安 ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM 交换机 库存备货
ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM来自空间的辐射干扰空间的辐射电磁场(EMI)主要是由电力网络、电气设备的暂态过程、雷电、无线电广播、电视、雷达、高频感应加热设备等产生的,通常称为辐射干扰,其分布极为复杂。若PLC系统置于所射频场内,就回收到辐射干扰,其影响主要通过两条路径;一是直接对PLC内部的辐射,由电路感应产生干扰;而是对PLC通信内网络的辐射,由通信线路的感应引入干扰。ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM辐射干扰与现场设备布置及设备所产生的电磁场大小,特别是频率有关,一般通过设置屏蔽电缆和PLC局部屏蔽及高压泄放元件进行保护。来自系统外引线的干扰
ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM主要通过电源和信号线引入,通常称为传导干扰。这种干扰在我国工业现场较严重。
ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM来自电源的干扰实践证明,因电源引入的干扰造成PLC控制系统故障的情况很多,笔者在某工程调试中遇到过,后更换隔离性能更高的PLC电源,问题才得到解决。
ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM is mainly introduced through power supply and signal lines, which is commonly referred to as conducted interference. This kind of interference is more serious in China’s industrial sites.
The interference practice of ENTERASYS A4H124-24TX P0973JM from the power supply has proved that there are many PLC control system failures caused by the interference introduced by the power supply. The author met this problem during the commissioning of a project, and then replaced the PLC power supply with higher isolation performance, the problem was solved.
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