TWDLMDA20DRT 全球工业自动化与网络领域通信、监测和控制专家美国红狮控制公司,今日正式发布新型NT328G三层以太网交换机。NT328G拥有卓越的性能和可靠性,提供28个高速接入端口(24个千兆以太网端口,4个万兆以太网端口),拥有可靠的线速交换能力,能够满足石油和天然气、水和废水处理、能源、交通运输、视频安防等工业应用领域当前和未来对于高带宽的需求。
TWDLMDA20DRT 红狮控制的NT328G三层工业以太网交换机混合使用铜制和光纤端口,部署十分灵活,可适应不同连接选项,并能通过三层交换技术实现VLAN或子网之间的路由。该交换机功能全面,具有优异的可扩展性。工业级NT328G交换机具备一系列强大功能,包括冗余性、集成安全性、基于策略的流量控制以及简单易用的配置和管理功能等,保证持续监测网络传输的同时,还能降低运营成本。
TWDLMDA20DRT 新型交换机配备光滑坚固且具有IP30防护等级的机架安装式金属外壳,在严苛的工业环境下(包括极端温度条件和危险环境)长期耐用,有效缩短整体故障停机时间。NT328G适用于各种规模的工业网络,能满足包括当前及未来对传输速率和介质的需求,未来数年内都可以提供保障,使客户的投资效益最大化。
红狮控制产品管理总监Diane Davis表示:“工业客户都希望交换机可以具备可靠的三层线速交换能力,可以升级至万兆网速,以满足当前和未来的带宽需求。通过NT328G三层以太网交换机,我们为客户提供了一种面向未来且经久耐用的交换机解决方案,能满足从网络边缘到核心网络的全方位需求。”
TWDLMDA20DRT Red Lion Control, a global expert in communication, monitoring and control in the field of industrial automation and networking, today officially launched the new NT328G Layer 3 Ethernet switch. With superior performance and reliability, the NT328G offers 28 high-speed access ports (24 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 4 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports) and reliable line-speed switching capabilities to meet the current and future high bandwidth needs of industrial applications such as oil and gas, water and wastewater treatment, energy, transportation, video security, and more.
Red Lions-controlled NT328G Layer 3 Industrial Ethernet switches use a mix of copper and fiber ports, flexible deployment to accommodate different connection options, and can be routed between vlans or subnets through Layer 3 switching technology. The switch is fully functional and has excellent scalability. The industrial-grade NT328G switch offers a range of powerful features, including redundancy, integrated security, policy-based flow control, and easy-to-use configuration and management functions, ensuring continuous monitoring of network traffic while reducing operating costs.
TWDLMDA20DRT The new switch is equipped with a smooth, robust, rack-mounted metal housing with IP30 protection for long-term durability in harsh industrial environments, including extreme temperature conditions and hazardous environments, effectively reducing overall downtime. Suitable for industrial networks of all sizes, the NT328G can meet both current and future transmission rate and media needs, providing protection for years to come to maximize customer investment.
Diane Davis, Director of Product Management at Red Lion Controls, said: “Industrial customers are looking for switches with reliable Tier 3 line-speed switching capabilities that can be upgraded to 10-gigabit speeds to meet current and future bandwidth demands. “With the NT328G Layer 3 Ethernet switch, we are providing our customers with a future-proof and durable switching solution that meets their needs from the network edge to the core.”