A06B-6130-H002 FANUC 伺服放大器βi系列

Fanuc伺服放大器βi系列SVM A06B-6130-H002是由三个基本模块和两个可选模块组成的系统的一部分。配置包括伺服放大器、交流线路滤波器、连接器、保险丝和电源变压器模块。通过I/O链路的128 DI和128 DO连接到CNC或类似的主机模块。


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Fanuc伺服放大器βi系列SVM A06B-6130-H002是由三个基本模块和两个可选模块组成的系统的一部分。配置包括伺服放大器、交流线路滤波器、连接器、保险丝和电源变压器模块。通过I/O链路的128 DI和128 DO连接到CNC或类似的主机模块。伺服放大器主机使用梯形程序向伺服放大器单元发送命令。该接口监控状态。指令命令发送到伺服放大器模块,响应命令发送到主机单元,如CNC。


Fanuc A06B-6130-H002使用的I/O链路与分为两个扇区的接口区域通信。其中一个接口区域是信号区域。信号区是复位和报警信号所在的地方。第二个接口区域是命令代码区域。命令代码区移动命令并监控状态命令代码。该接口提供多种功能,可与Fanuc A06B-6130-H002通信。它能够直接读取/写入信号,并使用它来选择适当的接口模式以及其他事项,如启动和停止操作,并监控触发警报的条件。使用从接口收集的信息,伺服放大器通过链接功能代码和命令数据发出命令。基本上,该接口与伺服放大器之间来回传输数据。它通过实现两种操作模式来实现这一点。

如何使用Fanuc A06B-6130-H002

与Fanuc A06B-6130-H002通信的两种接口操作模式是外围设备控制和直接命令。模式是如何选择的?信号区的DRC信号通知选择。直接命令接口向伺服放大器发出命令,例如定位操作。它还可以发出其他命令,如等待、周界读/写和诊断数据命令。许多伺服放大器操作可以通过直接命令接口实现。另一个接口是外围设备控制接口。它能够发送操纵外围机床设备的命令。这会影响定位操作,如轴夹紧和松开,这可以通过一个简单的命令完成。如果梯形程序已经可用,这是一个有用的接口。


Fanuc A06B-6130-H002 Overview

The Fanuc servo amplifier βi series SVM A06B-6130-H002 is part of a system consisting of three basic modules and two optional modules. Configuration consists of a servo amp, an AC line filter, connectors, fuses, and power transformer modules. Connected to a CNC or similar host module through the 128 DI and 128 DO of the I/O link. The servo amp host uses the ladder program to send commands to the servo amp unit.  The interface monitors the status. The instruction command goes to the servo amp module and the response command goes to the host unit, such as a CNC.


The I/O link used by the Fanuc A06B-6130-H002 communicates with the interface area which is split into two sectors. One of the interface areas is the signal area.  The signal area is where the reset and alarm signals are located. The second interface area is the command code area. The command code area moves commands and monitors status command code. The interface serves several functions that it communicates to the Fanuc A06B-6130-H002. It is able to directly read/write the signal and uses it to select the proper interface mode as well as other things such as start and stop operations and monitors for conditions that trigger alarms. Using the information gleaned from the interface, the servo amp is informed by commands issued by linking function code and command data. Basically, the interface transfers the data to and from the servo amp. It does this through the implementation of two operation modes.

How to use the Fanuc A06B-6130-H002

The two interface operation modes that communicate to the Fanuc A06B-6130-H002 are the peripheral equipment control and direct command. How is the mode selected? The DRC signal in the signal area informs the choice. The direct command interface issues command to the servo amp such as positioning operation. It can also issue other commands such as wait, perimeter read/write, and diagnosis data commands. Many servo amp operations can be implemented with the direct command interface.  The other interface is the peripheral equipment control interface. It is able to send commands that manipulate the peripheral machine tool equipment. This affects positioning operations such as axis clamp and unclamp, which it can do with a simple command. If a ladder program is already available this is a useful interface.

How do you know which interface control is communicating with the Fanuc servo amp? The “0” DRC signal indicates the peripheral equipment control interface is selected and the DRC “1” indicates that the direct command interface is selected. Under normal circumstances, the interface switching does not occur when the power is on, but if it becomes necessary, the host can switch the interface. It does this by sending a DRC signal.