GE Fanuc IC695ALG608模块是非隔离式模拟电流或电压输入模块,支持单端和差分接线配置。该模块来自RX3i PacSystem系列。该模块的电流范围在0至20毫安、4至20毫安以及-20至+20毫安之间。该模块的额定电压范围为-10至+10伏DC,0至10伏DC,0至5伏DC和1至5伏DC。它有4个差分输入通道或8个单端输入通道,内部额定电流在3.3伏时为450毫安,在5伏时为600毫安。GE Fanuc IC695ALG608模拟输入模块可与扩展弹簧型IC694TBS132接线板、扩展盒式IC694TBB132接线板、弹簧型IC694TBS032接线板和盒式IC694TBB032接线板一起使用。延伸端子板提供了屏蔽布线所需的额外护罩深度。
The IC695ALG608 is an analog input module from the PACsystem RX3i platform. This module is able to provide up to Eight (8) input channels when configured for single-ended wiring and Four (4) input channels for differential input wiring. It supports a variety of input signals such as +/-10 VDC, 0-10 VDC, +/- 5VDC, 0-5 VDC, 1-5 VDC and 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA and +/- 20mA input signals with built-in 24-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) that translates received analog data to either integer or floating point data.
The IC695ALG608 is installed to an RX3i universal backplane. It occupies a single slot of the rack with current draw 330 mA maximum @ 5.0V +5% / -2.5% and 600 mA maximum @ 3.3V +5% / -3%. This module is used with an RX3i Central Processing Unit (CPU) firmware version 3.0 or later and configured using Machine Edition version 5.0 SP3 and later. Available filter options for each input channel includes 8Hz, 12Hz, 16Hz, 40Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz which are mainly used to normalize analog readings and eliminate rapid fluctuations.
The IC695ALG608 is compatible for use with a variety of terminal blocks such as Box-style (IC694TBB032), Extended Box-style (IC694TBB132), Spring-style (IC694TBS032), or Extended Spring-style (IC694TBS132) terminal Block. This module does not have external jumpers for setting module operation instead, parameters are defined via software configurable parameters. In addition, this module features full-autocalibration, on-board error checking, open circuit detection, alarm settings, module fault reporting, interrupts for channel alarm and fault and other equally important features.
The GE Fanuc IC695ALG608 module is a non-isolated analog current or voltage input module that supports single-ended and differential wiring configuration. This module is from the RX3i PacSystem series. This module has a current range between 0 and 20 milliamps, 4 and 20 milliamps, and -20 and +20 milliamps. The module’s voltage rate ranges between -10 and +10 Volts DC, 0 and 10 Volts DC, 0 and 5 Volts DC and 1 and 5 Volts DC. It has 4 differential input channels or 8 single-ended input channels and an internal current rating of 450 milliamps at 3.3 Volts and 600 milliamps at 5 Volts. The GE Fanuc IC695ALG608 analog input module can be used with terminal blocks such as the extended spring-style IC694TBS132 terminal block, the extended box style IC694TBB132 terminal block, the spring-style IC694TBS032 terminal block, and the box-style IC694TBB032 terminal block. The extended terminal blocks offer the additional shroud depth required for shield wiring.