详情介绍:REC650 1MRK008514-AA 间隔控制装置 REC650
• 为发电,输电和配电网络上的广泛应用提供了优化的完整的现成方案。
• 支持用户自定义名称利用本地语言进行信号和功能的设置。
• 基于缺省值和ABB的最新通用基准值概念的最小化参数设置。 你只需要将这些参数设置,以满足特定的需要,比如说线路数据。
• 满足水平通信的GOOSE信息传送
• 扩展的人机界面功能,每页带有15个3色指示的动态LED灯,多达3页,用于于不同操作的可设置的按钮快捷键。
• 基于文本的可编程LED标签。
• 可设定的1A/5A额定电流输入。
REC650用来控制,保护和监视电网中的不同类型的间隔。 该IED特别适用于在需要高可靠性间隔中带有分布式控制设备的控制系统。 主要供次级输电变电站使用。适用于单母线单 CB、双母线单 CB开关设备布置下的所有一次设备的控制。
该控制可以通过通信总线从远方(SCADA/Station)实现或者在本地人机界面实现。 可以使用不同控制配置,推荐每一个间隔 使用一个控制设备. 联闭锁模块可用于所有普通类型的开关设备布置。该控制功能基于先选择后操作的原理可以给出最高可能的安全性. 一个同步控制功能可用于断路器合闸的联闭锁。 还可以提供断路器在非同步网络中正确合闸的同步功能。
为了应用上的灵活性,很多功能可以用于不同类型的变电站和不同的母线接线.该自动重合闸功能包含用于多断路器接线优先权控制回路. 它和同期检测 功能相配合,用来进行高速或延时重合闸。高定值瞬时相间和接地过流,能满足用户任何应用要求。有接地4段带方向或不带定向延迟相接地过流、灵敏接地故障、热过负荷和2段欠压过压功能。故障报告可用于主要故障发生后
The 650 Series devices provide the most suitable off-the-shelf, ready-to-use solution. It is configured with complete protection functions and default parameters to meet a wide range of requirements in power generation, transmission and distribution network applications.
650 Series devices include:
• Provides a complete and optimized off-the-shelf solution for a wide range of applications on power generation, transmission and distribution networks.
• Support user-defined names using the local language for signal and function Settings.
• Minimization parameter Settings based on default values and ABB’s latest common benchmark concept. You only need to set these parameters to meet specific needs, such as line data.
• GOOSE information transmission for horizontal communication
• Extended HMI features with 15 dynamic LED lights with 3-color indications per page, up to 3 pages, with configurable button shortcuts for different operations.
• Text-based programmable LED labels.
• Configurable 1A/5A rated current input.
REC650 is used to control, protect and monitor different types of intervals in the power grid. The IED is particularly suitable for control systems with distributed control devices where high reliability intervals are required. It is mainly used by secondary transmission substations. It is suitable for the control of all primary equipment under single bus single CB and double bus single CB switchgear arrangement.
This control can be implemented from afar (SCADA/Station) via a communication bus or at a local human-machine interface. Different control configurations can be used, and one control device is recommended for each interval. Interlocking modules can be used for all common types of switchgear arrangements. This control function gives the highest possible safety based on the principle of selection before operation. A synchronous control function can be used for interlocking of circuit breaker closing. It can also provide the synchronization function of the circuit breaker to close correctly in the asynchronous network.
For flexibility in application, many functions can be used for different types of substations and different bus wiring. The automatic reclosing function includes a priority control loop for multiple circuit breaker wiring. It is used in conjunction with the simultaneous detection function for high speed or delay reclosing. High constant instantaneous phase and ground overcurrent, can meet any application requirements of users. There are four sections of ground overcurrent with or without directional delay, sensitive ground fault, thermal overload and two sections of undervoltage overvoltage. Fault reports can be used after a major failure occurs
热卖型号:REC650 1MRK008514-AA 间隔控制装置 REC650
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