8237-1006 WOODWARD 调速器是一种自动调节装置



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品牌 品名 产品型号 订货号
WOODWARD 模块 8237-1006
产地 可售卖地 是否进口 保修期
美国 全国、国外 一年
发货地点 发货方式 使用方式 适用行业
厦门 顺丰快递 调试安装 电厂钢厂水泥厂船舶造纸
服务优势 国外进口 、 备货供应、 价格合适、品质可靠 订货
产品特点 一手货源、  按型号供货 售后有保障 何经理180,5988-4797








Governor is a kind of automatic regulating device, its function is to automatically increase or decrease the fuel supply of fuel injection pump according to the change of diesel load, so that the diesel engine can run at a stable speed.

Governor has been widely used in industrial DC motor speed regulation, industrial conveyor belt speed regulation, lighting mediation, computer power cooling, DC fans, etc.

Extended data

An automatic regulator used to reduce aperiodic speed fluctuations in certain machines. Can make the machine speed to maintain a fixed value or close to the set value. Unlike electric motors, water turbines, steam turbines, gas turbines and internal combustion engines, their output torque cannot automatically adapt to their own load changes, so when the load changes, the unit driven by them will lose stability.

This kind of unit must be set up governor, so that it can change with the load and other conditions, at any time to establish the load and energy supply between the adaptive relationship, to ensure the normal operation of the unit.

The theory and design of governor is the research content of mechanical dynamics. There are many kinds of governors. One of the most widely used is the mechanical centrifugal governor. The speed governor, which takes the speed generator or other electronic devices as the sensor, has been widely used in various industrial sectors.