S20330-SRS / CP320260/CB06561/S70362-PBNANA/
Kollmorgen S200 伺服驱动器是第一款速度环带宽为 800 Hz 的全数字工业驱动器。这些紧凑型驱动器提供简化的调谐和无与伦比的系统吞吐量,具有高分辨率反馈和高性能电流环路带宽,可实现平滑运动和快速响应。带有电子电机铭牌的智能反馈装置允许在大多数应用中进行即插即用调试 这运动控制 工业在21世纪发展迅速标准时间世纪。研究和创新是塑造自动化行业的决定性因素。科尔莫根是这个竞争激烈的市场中的主要游戏玩家,以其顶级的产品线和高客户服务标准控制着销售。这家公司拥有100多年的自动化经验,并以其高质量的制造设施而闻名。它产生运动控制解决方案喜欢发动机,驱动,AVG 系统,等等。 这S200位置节点伺服驱动是其中之一科尔莫根的备受好评的产品系列。这全部-数字的 伺服系统 驱动器特色是CANopen 通信 连接。这些伺服驱动器非常适合用于高带宽网络应用,如装配线或制造业。这S20250-CNS是这一系列产品中最先进的。它目前的额定电流为1.5 A皇家邮轮连续和4.5 A皇家邮轮顶峰。它的输入电压为120伏交流电倍压器/240伏交流电1相,与大多数工业电网兼容。 这CANopen 连接在速度环路模式下使用400赫兹带宽成为可能。目前的环路运行在3-5千赫和24位高分辨率反馈增加了它的吸引力,使其成为市场上少数具有如此多功能的产品之一。除了这些,这种品质伺服系统 驱动器具有许多独特的功能:数字示波器仿真、轮廓生成和各种延长其寿命的安全功能。这S20250-CNS 位置 结节伺服驱动方式科尔莫根,得益于其先进的技术和紧凑的打造,堪称极品中的极品!
这S30601-EC是一个数字伺服驱动制造 经过科尔莫根。它有一个以太猫 连接选项允许它无缝地适应现有的以太网网络。用以太网接口波特率是自动设置的,不需要手动设置地址。这S30601-EC由208伏交流电和480伏交流电范围内的输入电压供电,使其能够适应现有的工业电源网络。为了获得最佳性能,请使用科尔摩根伺服驱动器应在最低0.0摄氏度至最高40.0摄氏度的环境温度下运行。
这科尔莫根S30601-EC支持垂直安装位置,其冷却由内置风扇提供,可选择控制。请注意,内置风扇使驱动器能够保持允许的工作温度,从而提高驱动器的可靠性和有效性。这S30601-EC具有6安培RMS的连续额定电流。该驱动器属于Kollmorgen S300系列数字驱动器。
e well suited for application in the medical, textile, die bonding and variable optical attenuator industries, among others.“The rotor consists of a rare earth magnet with a proprietary magnetization method that provides much smaller step angles than conventional two-phase permanent magnet stepper motors. The unique rotor design provides a very low moment of inertia for outstanding acceleration and dynamic behavior. Coupled with high peak speeds, any incremental movement is carried out in the shortest possible time,” says Dave Beckstoffer, Product Manager. Low inertia also results in high start/stop frequencies, which can solve certain motion challenges without applying a ramp.These motors feature a sinusoidal torque function with very low harmonic distortion and low detent torque, as well as excellent static and dynamic accuracy for any position, and under any load or speed conditions. An independent magnetic circuit eliminates the coupling between phases for superior angular resolution in microstep mode. An optimally-dimensioned iron circuit made of SiFe laminations, with coils placed near the air gap, significantly reduces iron losses and provides more torque at high step rates. The result is high peak torques, high speeds and high power/volume ratios.About Danaher MotionDanaher Motion is a leading global manufacturer of motion control products that improve the efficiency and productivity of complex manufacturing operations. Danaher Motion’s product innovations have been revolutionizing the motion control industry for over 60 years through trusted brand names including Dover Kollmorgen, MEI, Pacific Scientific, Portescap, and Thomson. Danaher Motion is a strategic business platform of the Danaher Corporation (NYSE:DHR), a manufacturer of process and environmental controls, tools and industrial components.For more information contact Danaher Motion, 1500 Mittel Boulevard,