GVC736CE101 3BHE039203R0101 3BHE039204P201 ABB 张力控制器
2)I/O服务器相互冗余,在一台服务器出现问题而停止工作的情况下,系统仍可以正常的工作,保证了系统运行的安全可靠。 (3)全中文操作界面,有利于工程项目的开发和调试。 5.2 系统的实时数据传递 (1)控制器和主要的通信模块及远程站采用Profibus-DP总线,该总线属于设备总线,主要应用于复杂现场设备和分布式I/O,物理结构为RS-485,传输速率为9.6kb/s∽12Mb/s。 (2)控制器和I/O服务器之间的数据传递采用OPC方式。OPC服务器端ABB OPC Server在I/O服务器中运行,并通过ABB的MMS Server 与控制器实现实时数据交换,可以对现场设备及其驱动程序进行封装。OPC服务器向下对设备数据进行采集,向上与OPC客户应用程序通信完成数据交换。OPC服务器屏蔽了现场层的设备驱动程序;客户应用程序开发人员看到的,只是OPC服务器提供的统一接口,而不必再去关心现场设备的驱动程序。只要客户应用程序符合OPC接口规范,就可以与OPC服务器进行数据交换。 (3)数据传递见下图
图2 数据传递流程图
5.3 控制器及I/O模块特点 (1)控制器的时钟频率为48MHz,运算速度为0.27ms/千条指令,程序存储空间16M,24V供电,提供2个以太网口,2个RS232口。两控制器冗余配置,电源也冗余。 (2)所有I/O模块都可带电插拔,不会给控制器带来影响。底部硬件锁保证更换的模块与原模块型号相同。当模块通讯中断时,所有输入输出都可以设定在预定义的值内或保持不变。 5.4 系统组态 (1)高效的组态工具
Compact Control
eir competitiveness and reach their productivity targets,” said Veli-Matti Reinikkala, head of ABB’s Process Automation division. “Our leading-edge technology, dedicated global services team and commitment our installed base provide an unbeatable combination to transcend today’s troubled economy and prepare for tomorrow’s new challenges.”Founded in 1986, ARC Advisory Group has grown to become the Thought Leader in Manufacturing and Supply Chain solutions. ARC analysts have the expert industry knowledge and first-hand experience to help clients find the best answer to complex business issues. ARC focuses on simple yet critical goals: improving clients’ return on assets, operational performance, total cost of ownership, project time-to-benefit, and shareholder value.ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs about 120,000 peopl