Panel 800 操作屏
Panel 800版本6.2家族包括用户友好,直观和符合人体工程学的操作面板,结合了轻薄,节省空间的尺寸与全面的高级功能。面板800版本6包括标准,黑色和坚固的面板,拥有更多的接口选项,速度和辉煌的显示。
设计使过程自动化容易,所有11个面板配备了先进的功能,过程和设备控制,通过触摸液晶显示器操作。结合市场领先的性能和惊人的图形能力,Panel 800侵蚀了普通操作员面板和基于pc的HMIs之间的界限。所有面板都使用ABB的面板构建器工具进行配置,该工具包含应用程序所需的所有基本功能。这些功能是根据客户的需求和偏好进行测试和开发的。
一个完全可部署的HMI,为每个可以想到的流程提供全面和集成的模板和库。Panel Builder工具,与熟悉的Microsoft®Windows®环境以及多种语言支持的结果非常快速,简单和高效的工程。
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ABB AbilitySystem 800xA DCS(分布式控制系统)、ABB Ability知识管理器和ABB Ability专家优化器将确保运行效率和可靠的电力供应
ABB支持Tan Thang水泥公司在越南Nghe An省的新水泥厂成功完成了ABB Ability数字解决方案的调试。
ABB提供了ABB AbilitySystem 800xA DCS(分布式控制系统),该系统将控制、电气和通信系统集成到所有过程中,以实现稳定生产和有效使用原材料和能源的最佳可视性。该套件还包括与DCS集成的ABB Ability知识管理器和ABB Ability专家优化器,以及基本的通信和电气系统基础设施和设备。
ABB AbilityExpert Optimizer利用先进的过程控制技术来管理关键的工厂组件,包括窑、替代燃料、磨和混合。它不断地推动工厂的限制,以最大限度地提高产量和产量,同时最小化燃料和电力等运营成本。ABB Ability知识管理器是一个数字解决方案,提供了工厂数据的可视化,以提高效率。它处理大量数据,通过网络和移动接口在正确的时间为运营商提供正确的信息。
Range of user-friendly, intuitive and ergonomic operator panels for process automation systems
The Panel 800 version 6.2 family comprises of user-friendly, intuitive and ergonomic operator panels that combine slim, space-saving dimensions with a comprehensive range of advanced functions. Panel 800 Version 6 comprises of Standard, black and rugged panels that boast of more interfacing options, speed and brilliant displays.
Designed to make process automation easy, all 11 panels are equipped with advanced functionality for process and equipment control, maneuvered by touching the LCD display. Combined with market-leading performance and stunning graphical ability, Panel 800 erodes the line between ordinary Operator Panels and PC-based HMIs. All panels are configured using ABB’s Panel Builder tool that contains all basic functions needed in an application. The functions are tested and developed with customer needs and preferences in focus.
A fully deployable HMI with comprehensive and integrated templates and libraries for every conceivable process. The Panel Builder tool, with familiar Microsoft® Windows® environment along with multiple language support results in remarkably quick, easy and efficient engineering.State-of-the-arts graphics
Vector-based, high-resolution graphics in TFL/LED display, with icon-based interface navigation and control.Robust and reliable technology
Panel 800 is constructed in a strong yet lightweight die-cast, powder-coated aluminum housing. IP65/IP66 front casing withstands wet, dusty and demanding environments. Operating temperatures ranging between -30oC to 70oC with maximum 95% humidity.
Truly open platform
Built on open architecture and technologies that accompany the .NET framework, these panels are capable of multi-brand controller connectivity. A multitude of connection options are available for local communication, expansion, remote access and more.
Click here to learn more about Panel 800 features and benefits.