盐城 DS200TCPDG1BEC 模块 库存备货 盐城 GE DS200TCPDG1BEC 模块 库存备货 盐城 GE DS200TCPDG1BEC 模块 库存备货
GE DS200TCPDG1BEC扩大的合作伙伴关系将帮助工业企业从物联网和资产数据中获取更多情报,从而推动GE在其业务中的创新。
GE DS200TCPDG1BEC通用电气和微软今天宣布扩大合作伙伴关系,将运营技术与IT结合起来,消除工业企业在推进数字化转型项目方面面临的障碍。
GE DS200TCPDG1BEC作为工会的一部分,GEDigital计划在MicrosoftAzure上标准化其Predix解决方案,并将Predix产品组合与Azure的本地云功能进行深度集成。双方还将共同销售和推向市场,为终端客户提供跨行业的首要工业物联网(IIoT)解决方案。此外,GE将在其业务中利用MicrosoftAzure提供额外的IT工作负载和生产力工具,包括基于Predix的内部部署,以推动整个公司的创新。GE DS200TCPDG1BEC GE DS200TCPDG1BEC
As a part of the labor union, GEDigital plans to standardize its Predix solution on Microsoft Azure and deeply integrate the Predix product portfolio with Azure’s local cloud functions. The two sides will also jointly sell and promote to the market, and provide cross industry leading industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions for end customers. In addition, GE will use Microsoft Azure in its business to provide additional IT workload and productivity tools, including Predix based internal deployment, to drive innovation throughout the company
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