从市场端来看:经过多年的发展,工业机器人市场飞速发展,根据MIR 睿工业数据统计,2012-2022年中国工业机器人销量从2万多台增长到逼近30万台,十年增长了将近15倍,复合年均增长率26%。
Looking around the various (automation downstream) general industrial industries, industrial robots are the field of operations control for many years with absolute volume, sustained high growth, and is sure to run out of the big opportunity market. The last such market was CNC machine tools.
From the technical side: industrial robot itself can be applied to a variety of processes in a wide range of fields such as automobiles, ships, packaging machinery, and can exist as industrial standards. Moreover, industrial robots can integrate drivers and motors downward through the controller, and integrate vision, AI, PLC and other modules upward to build PC-based integrated operation control platform.
From the perspective of the market: after years of development, the industrial robot market has developed rapidly. According to the statistics of Mirui Industrial data, from 2012 to 2022, the sales volume of industrial robots in China increased from more than 20,000 units to nearly 300,000 units, an increase of nearly 15 times in ten years, with a compound annual growth rate of 26%.
Moreover, after more than ten years of cultivation, the downstream industries and application scenarios have been continuously developed. In addition to the automobile and electronics industries, the penetration rate of robots in general industrial markets such as lithium electricity, photovoltaic, metal processing, food and beverage has also increased significantly. In the future, with the improvement of robot product performance and program intelligence, the degree of user cultivation in the industry will be further deepened.
Although there is still considerable room for progress in the comprehensive aspect of domestic robot, domestic robot has been working hard for a long time in the downstream industry, and continuous product iteration has made the gap with foreign investment smaller rapidly. In 2018, domestic arc welding robot was mass-produced, marking a breakthrough of domestic robot companies in the general industry. In 2020, domestic robots in the 3C, new energy field batch shipments, which marks the hot in recent years some emerging industries have also recognized domestic robots!