产品细节:3500/20 125768-01 3500系列 机架接口模块(RIM)
3500/20 125768-01产品说明
3500/20 125768-01是由Bently Nevada(现为施耐德电气旗下)设计和开发的机架接口模块(RIM)。作为3500系列的一部分,该模块是3500机架的主要接口,支持用于配置机架和检索机械数据的专有协议。
- 接口功能:
- RIM是3500机架的基本接口,它支持本特利内华达外部通信处理器,如TDXnet、TDIX和DDIX,用于数据的传输和交换。
- RIM必须放在机架插槽1中(靠近电源),以确保系统的稳定性和数据传输的可靠性。
- 功能说明:
- RIM执行一些由整个机架共享的任务,但它并不是监控系统的重要组成部分,也不会影响整个监控系统的正常运行。
- 配置键锁用于在“RUN”和“PROGRAM”模式之间切换3500机架。RUN模式可防止配置修改,同时允许机架正常运行;PROGRAM模式支持本地和远程机架配置以及标准机架操作。
- 技术参数:
- LD指令处理器:硬PLC
- I/O点数:480
- 工作电压:140V
产品参数:3500/20 125768-01 3500系列 机架接口模块(RIM)
3500/20 125768-01产品参数
以下是关于3500/20 125768-01产品的参数信息:
- 物理尺寸:
- 产品净深度/长度:24.20厘米
- 产品净高度:24.10厘米
- 产品净宽度:2.44厘米
- 技术规格:
- 通道数:16通道
- 结构参数:
- 产地:USA
- 型号:3500/20 125768-01
- 电气参数:
- 工作电压:140V
- I/O点数:
- LD指令处理器:硬PLC
- I/O点数:480
- 配置和安装:
- RIM(机架接口模块)必须放在机架插槽1中(靠近电源),以确保系统的稳定性和数据传输的可靠性。
- 配置键锁用于在“RUN”和“PROGRAM”模式之间切换3500机架。
- 其他信息:
- 该产品作为3500系列的一部分,支持本特利内华达外部通信处理器,如TDXnet、TDIX和DDIX,用于数据的传输和交换。
- 广泛应用于工业自动化和关键设备的状态监测领域,如石油、化工、电力、冶金等行业。
3500/20 125768-01 3500系列 机架接口模块(RIM) 应用领域:
3500/20 125768-01应用领域
3500/20 125768-01机架接口模块作为Bently Nevada 3500系列机械保护系统的一部分,其应用领域广泛且重要。以下是详细的应用领域概述:
- 工业自动化:
- 在工业自动化系统中,3500/20 125768-01作为机架的主要接口,支持多种通信协议,如TDXnet、TDIX和DDIX,实现与各种自动化设备的数据交换和控制指令的传达。
- 通过其稳定的接口功能和数据传输能力,该模块有助于提高工业生产的自动化水平和效率。
- 关键设备状态监测:
- 在石油、化工、电力、冶金等行业中,关键设备的状态监测对于确保生产安全和稳定运行至关重要。
- 3500/20 125768-01机架接口模块能够实时监测关键设备的运行状态,如振动、温度和压力等参数,并通过与外部通信处理器的连接,将数据传输到上位机软件进行分析和处理。
- 这有助于及时发现设备的异常情况,预防潜在的故障,确保设备的长期稳定运行。
- 行业应用实例:
- 在石油行业中,该模块可用于监测石油钻井平台上的关键设备,如钻井泵、泥浆泵等,确保钻井作业的安全和高效。
- 在化工行业中,该模块可用于监测化工生产过程中的反应器、压缩机等设备,预防生产事故和降低设备故障率。
- 在电力行业中,该模块可用于监测发电机、变压器等关键设备,确保电力系统的稳定运行和供电质量。
- 总结:
- 3500/20 125768-01机架接口模块以其稳定的性能、丰富的功能和广泛的应用领域,在工业自动化和关键设备状态监测领域发挥着重要作用。
- 通过与各种设备和系统的无缝集成,该模块能够实现数据的实时传输和高效管理,为企业的生产运营提供有力支持。
Product Description
3500/20 125768-01 Application field
The 3500/20 125768-01 Rack interface module is part of the Bently Nevada 3500 series of mechanical protection systems for a wide range of important applications. The following is a detailed overview of the application areas:
Industrial Automation:
In industrial automation systems, 3500/20 125768-01 serves as the main interface of the rack and supports a variety of communication protocols, such as TDXnet, TDIX and DDIX, to achieve data exchange with various automation devices and the transmission of control instructions.
Through its stable interface function and data transmission capability, the module helps to improve the automation level and efficiency of industrial production.
Critical equipment condition monitoring:
In the petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy and other industries, the condition monitoring of key equipment is essential to ensure the safety and stable operation of production.
The 3500/20 125768-01 Rack interface module can monitor the operating status of key equipment in real time, such as vibration, temperature and pressure parameters, and through the connection with the external communication processor, the data is transmitted to the upper computer software for analysis and processing.
This helps to detect equipment anomalies in a timely manner, prevent potential failures, and ensure long-term stable operation of the equipment.
Industry application examples:
In the oil industry, the module can be used to monitor critical equipment on oil RIGS, such as drilling pumps, mud pumps, etc., to ensure safe and efficient drilling operations.
In the chemical industry, the module can be used to monitor reactors, compressors and other equipment in the chemical production process to prevent production accidents and reduce the failure rate of equipment.
In the power industry, the module can be used to monitor key equipment such as generators and transformers to ensure the stable operation and power supply quality of the power system.
3500/20 125768-01 Rack interface module with its stable performance, rich functions and a wide range of applications, in the field of industrial automation and critical equipment condition monitoring plays an important role.
Through seamless integration with various devices and systems, the module can realize real-time data transmission and efficient management, providing strong support for the production and operation of enterprises.
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