详情介绍:3500/65-01-00-R0 3500/65监视器提供16通道温度监测
温度监视器接受隔离尖端热电偶,3线RTD, 4线RTD,或TC和RTD输入的组合。在三模冗余(TMR)配置中,必须以3个相邻监视器为一组安装温度监视器。在此配置中,监视器使用2种类型的投票来确保准确的操作并避免单点故障。
监视器是使用3500机架组态软件编程的。您可以配置16通道温度监视器,以接受隔离尖端热电偶,3线RTD, 4线RTD,或TC和RTD输入的组合。
The 3500/65 monitor provides 16 channels of temperature monitoring and accepts both resistance temperature detector (RTD) and isolated tip thermocouple (TC) temperature inputs. The monitor conditions these inputs and compares them against user-programmable alarm setpoints.
The monitor is programmed using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software. You can configure the 16-Channel
Temperature Monitor to accept isolated tip thermocouples, 3-wire RTD, 4-wire RTD, or a combination of TC and RTD inputs. In Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) configurations, you must install temperature monitors in groups of 3 adjacent monitors. In this configuration the monitor uses 2 types of voting to ensure accurate operation and to avoid singlepoint failures.
The 3500/65 monitor provides 16 channels of temperature monitoring and accepts both resistance temperature detector (RTD) and isolated tip thermocouple (TC) temperature inputs. The monitor conditions these inputs and compares them against user-programmable alarm setpoints.
The monitor is programmed using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software. You can configure the 16-Channel Temperature Monitor to accept isolated tip thermocouples, 3-wire RTD, 4-wire RTD, or a combination of TC and RTD inputs.
In Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) configurations, you must install temperature monitors in groups of 3 adjacent monitors. In this configuration the monitor uses 2 types of voting to ensure accurate operation and to avoid single-point failures
热卖型号:3500/65-01-00-R0 3500/65监视器提供16通道温度监测
DS200SDCCG1AFD驱动控制板GE | PM851K01 3BSE018168R1处理器单元ABB |
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8937-HN光纤扩展 | PM803F 3BDH000530R1基础单元ABB |
T8431可信TMR 24Vdc模拟输入模块ICS三路 | PM865K01 3BSE031151R1冗余处理器单元ABB |
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Mtl838b-mbf MBF接收机MTL | PM866K01 3BSE050198R1处理器单元ABB |
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Is200tturh1cfd标志vi卡ge | EI801F 3BDH000015R1现场总线模块ABB |
Is220pdiah1b I/O封装 | EI811F 3BDH000020R1现场总线模块ABB |
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is220propro1b I/O封装 | EI813F 3BDH000022R1现场总线模块ABB |
DS200SDCCG1AFD驱动控制板GE | 1TGE120010R1300控制单元ABB |
内华达州本特利公司的双线传感器 | 1 tge120010r…Rev.A控制单元ABB |
FC-TSAI-1620M安全管理系统模块 | COMMANDER 310 C310现场安装通用过程控制器ABB |
8937-HN光纤扩展 | 216BM61b HESG448267R1021模拟高压通信板ABB |
T8431可信TMR 24Vdc模拟输入模块ICS三路 | NSSM01终端装置ABB |
EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145并联发电机组控制器伍德沃德 | BDD110 HNLP205879R1控制器模块ABB |
Mtl838b-mbf MBF接收机MTL | G3FE HENF452697R1控制卡模块ABB |
CB06561 PRD-B040SSLZ-62驱动科尔摩根 | IEMPU02框架模块ABB |
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