3500/94 145988-01 3500/94 VGA显示器特点:
9个自定义显示选项。所有这些都是通过使用触摸屏的主菜单访问的。用户通过3500机架配置软件配置3500/94模块的语言和vgaddisplay类型。所有其他类型的数据配置都在本地完成,使操作员可以控制显示的数据。用户可以在本地配置9个自定义屏幕。例如,一个定制屏幕可能显示所有1X测量值,而另一个显示所有间隙,或者定制屏幕可能被组织到训练组中。用户可以将所有系统数据组织成任何指定的数据集,并将数据分配到自定义屏幕,还可以选择兼容AP1-670的屏幕。这个屏幕类似于机架的3300视图。每个槽位都显示模块表面的直接orGap值,带有OK和Bypass led。
选择3500/94显示路由器盒提供了一个额外的查看功能。该功能允许用户在一个显示器上最多查看四个机架。每个机架需要单独查看,但每个机架的地址和告警状态始终显示在屏幕右上角。DisplayRouter Box必须放置在距离每个3500机架6米或20英尺的范围内。
The 3500/94 VGA Display uses a standard color VGA monitor with “TouchScreen” technology to display 3500 data. This product has two components, the3500/94 VGA module and its l/0 card, and secondly, the VGA display monitorThe display monitor, with standard cabling, can be mounted up to 8 m (25 ft)from the rack.
The 3500/94 displays all 3500 Machinery Protection System information.including:
System Event List
Alorm Event List
All module and channel data
3300 style rack view lAP1-670)
Current alarm data lquick view)
Nine custom display options.All are accessed through a Main Menu using a Touch Screen.Users configure the 3500/94 modules for language and for the type of VGAdisplay through the 3500 Rack Configuration Software. All other types of dataconfigurations are done locally at the display, giving the operator control overthe displayed data. Users may configure nine custom screens locally. As anexample, one custom screen may show all the 1X measurements, while anothershows all the Gaps, or the custom screens may be organized into traingroupings. Users can organize all system doto into any specified sets assignedthe dota to a custom screen, An AP1-670 compatible screen is also selectable.This screen is similar to a 3300 view of the rack. Eoch slot shows the Direct orGap value on the face of the module with OK and Bypass LEDS.
Multiple Rack Feature
Selecting the 3500/94 Display Router Box provides an additional viewing feature.This feature allows users to view a maximum of four racks with one display.Each rack must be individually viewed, but the rack address and alarm status ofeach rack is always visible in the upper right corner of the screen. The DisplayRouter Box must be located within 6 m l20 ft) of each 3500 rack.
热卖型号:3500/94 145988-01 3500/94 VGA显示器
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