详情介绍:396353-01-0 模拟输出模块
CPU(中央处理器)模块容纳多层PCB,其中包含ControlWave CPU, I/O监视/控制,内存和通信功能。它也可能包括可选的
AMD Elan SC520微处理器,运行频率为100mhz
2 MB电池供电的静态RAM (SRAM)
64 MB同步动态RAM (SDRAM)
512kb boot/downloader FLASH
* 32 MB同时读写FLASH内存
每个通信端口的发送(TX)和接收(RX) led
您可以订购带有可选SCB (secondary communication board)的CPU模块,以获得额外的通信端口。请参见CPU配置。
引导/下载代码包含在单个512 kb的FLASH芯片中。Boot FLASH还保存软交换、审计/归档文件配置、用户帐户和端口信息的值。
CPU包含32mb FLASH。FLASH存储器保存系统固件和引导项目。可选的FLASH存储器还存储压缩的ControlWave项目(*.zwt)、用户文件和历史数据(审计/存档文件)。FLASH不支持硬件写保护。
Elan微处理器包括124字节的互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS) RAM,用于保存各种内部参数。
The CPU (central processing unit) module houses the multi-layer PCB, which contains the ControlWave CPU, I/O monitor/control, memory, and communication functions. It also may include the optional
Secondary Communications Board (SCB).
The CPU module includes:
AMD Elan SC520 microprocessor running at 100 MHz
two RS-232 communication ports
one 10/100baseT Ethernet port
2 MB of battery backed Static RAM (SRAM)
64 MB of Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDRAM)
512 KB boot/downloader FLASH
32 MB simultaneous read/write FLASH memory
transmit (TX) and receive (RX) LEDs for each communication port
Keyed run/remote/local operation switch
configuration DIP switches (described in Chapter 2)
Port 80 display to show status codes
You can order the CPU module with the optional secondary communication board (SCB) for additional communication ports. See CPU Module Configurations.
Boot/Downloader FLASH
Boot/download code is contained in a single 512 Kbyte FLASH chip. Boot FLASH also holds the value of soft switches, audit/archive file configurations, and user account and port information.
FLASH Memory
The CPU module contains 32 MB of FLASH memory. The FLASH memory holds the system firmware and the boot project. Optionally FLASH memory also stores the zipped ControlWave project (*.zwt), user files, and historical data (audit/archive files).The FLASH does not support hardware write protection.
System Memory (SRAM)
The CPU module has 2 MB of static random access memory (SRAM). During power loss periods, SRAM enters data retention mode (powered by the CPU backup battery). Critical system information that must be retained during power outages or when the system has been disabled for maintenance is stored here. This includes the last states of all I/O points, audit/archive historical data (if not stored in FLASH), the values of any variables marked RETAIN, the values of any variables assigned to the static memory area, and any pending alarm messages not yet reported.
The CPU module contains 64MB of synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM). SDRAM holds the running application (ControlWave project) as well as a copy of system firmware and the current values of any variables not marked RETAIN or stored in the static memory area. This allows the system to run faster than it will from the SRAM memory. SDRAM is not battery-backed.
The Elan microprocessor includes 124 bytes of complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) RAM to hold various internal parameters.
热卖型号:396353-01-0 模拟输出模块
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