396604-03-0 模拟输入/输出(Al/0)模块特点:
6模拟输入和2模拟输出模块6模拟输入模块8隔离模拟输入模块4隔离模拟输出模块所有l/0模块均具有符合C37.901978和lEC 801-5规范的防雷功能。
6模拟输入2模拟输出模块提供6个模拟输入和2个模拟输出。模拟输入是外部来源,单端,并单独跳线配置为4至20 mA或1至5 Vdc操作。模拟输出是外部源(11至30 Vdc)和单独跳线配置为4至20 mA或1至5Vdc。每个信号和地之间的浪涌抑制是通过30 Vdc的导线实现的。6个模拟输入和2个模拟输出模块可用于本地或远程终端。
8隔离HCM (High common Mode)模拟输入模块
8隔离HCM模拟输入模块提供8个差分模拟输入。模拟输入单独跳线配置为内部源4至20 mA非隔离操作或外部源4至20 mA,1至5 Vdc,或0至10 Vdc隔离操作。模拟输入电路与ControlWave Micro的总线接口电路是电隔离的。8隔离HCM模拟输入模块可与本地或远程终端。
6模拟输入模块6模拟输入模块提供6个模拟输入通道。模拟输入是外部来源,单引线和单独跳线可配置为4至20 mA或1至5 Vdc操作。每个信号和地之间的浪涌抑制是通过30 Vdc的导线实现的。6模拟输入模块可与本地或远程终端。
4隔离模拟输出模块提供4个模拟输出,可以单独跳线配置为4至20 mA或1至5 Vdc隔离操作。模拟输出与CPU电源系统电隔离。每个通道的校准数据存储在板载EEPROM中,用于电流和电压模式配置。4隔离模拟输出模块可与本地或远程终端。
所有模拟l/0模块均可在工厂配置为由两个10点终端块组件组成的本地终端或由两个14针质量终端头组成的远程终端。终端是可插拔的,接受最大14 AWG(美国线规)的电线尺寸。
The Analog Input (Al), Analog Output (AO), and AnalogInput/Output (Al/0) modules provide the ControlWaveMicro with the ability to monitor and control various analogfield signals. The following Al, AO, and Al/O modules areavailable.
6 Analog Inputs and 2 Analog Outputs module6 Analog inputs module8 lsolated Analog inputs module4 lsolated Analog Outputs moduleAll l/0 modules have surge protection that meets C37.901978 and lEC 801-5 specifications.
6 Analog inputs and 2 AnalogOutputs Module
The 6 Analog Inputs and 2 Analog Outputs module providessix analog inputs and two analog outputs. Analog inputs areexternally sourced,single ended, and individually jumperconfiqurable for either 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 Vdc operation.Analog outputs are extemnally sourced (11 to 30 Vdc)andindividually jumper configurable for 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5Vdc.Surge suppression between each signal and ground isachieved with 30 Vdc transorbs. The 6 Analog Inputs and 2Analog Outputs module is available with local or remoteteminations.
8 lsolated High common Mode(HCM) Analog inputs Module
The 8 lsolated High Common Mode (HCM) Analog inputsmodule provides eight differential analog inputs. Analoginputs are individuallyjumper confiqurable as internallysourced 4 to 20 mA non-isolated operation or externallsourced 4 to 20 mA,1 to 5 Vdc,or0 to 10 Vdc isolatedoperation. The analog input circuitryis electrically isolatedfrom the bus interface circuitny of the ControlWave Micro.The 8 lsolated HCM Analog inputs module is available withlocal or remote teminations.
6 Analog inputs ModuleThe 6 Analog inputs module provides six analog inputchannels. Analog inputs are externally sourced, singleended, and individually jumper configurable for either 4 to20 mA or 1 to 5 Vdc operation.Surge suppression betweeneach signal and ground is achieved with 30 Vdc transorbs.The 6 Analog Inputs module is available with local or remoteterminations.
4 lsolated Analog Outputs Module
The 4 lsolated Analog Outputs module provides four analogoutputs that can be individually jumper configured for 4 to20 mA or 1 to 5 Vdc isolated operation. Analog outputs areelectrically isolated from the CPU power system. Calibrationdata for each channel is stored in an onboard EEPROM forboth current and voltage mode configurations. The 4Isolated Analog Outputs module is available with local orremote temninations.
Local or Remote Terminations
All analog l/0 modules are available factory configured foreither local terminations that consist of two 10-pointterminal block assemblies or remote terminations thatconsist of two 14-pin mass termination headers.Terminations are pluggable and accept a maximum wiresize of 14 AWG (American Wire Gauge).
Remote terminations provide a convenient alternative tothe standard direct connect termination. Remoteterminations allow a concentration of electrical connectionsfrom one or more controllers to be located in a single area,such as the rear of a 19-inch cabinet, For more informationon remote terminations, refer to Product Date SheetCWMICRO.
热卖型号:396604-03-0 模拟输入/输出(Al/0)模块
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