详情介绍:CC-PDOB01 Experion系列C输入/输出模块
C300控制器与关联的I/O硬件通过一对I/O Link Interface线缆连接。C300控制器及其关联的部件名称如下表所示。c300控制器支持非冗余和全冗余操作。控制器内置冗余,因此只需添加另一个控制器和冗余电缆;实现冗余的控制器对。
请注意,型号上的“CC”标识表示印刷线路板经过保形涂层,以提供额外的环境保护(CU =未涂层)。
高电平模拟输入模块支持高电平模拟和HART输入。传统和HART设备的模拟输入通常为4- 20mA DC。HART数据可用于状态和配置。HART数据,如二级和三级变量,也可以用作过程控制变量。
Experion Series C input/output chassis-less mounted modules and field level network gateways provide the physical connection between an automation system and the process when used with the C300 Controller. Input/Output Modules and field terminations are combined in the same area. The Input/Output Modules are plugged into Input /Output Termination Assemblies to eliminate the need for a separate chassis to hold the electronics assemblies.
C300 Controller
The C300 Controller is constructed using the Series C form factor that employs an Input Output Termination Assembly (IOTA) and an electronics module which mounts and connects to the IOTA. One C300 Controller contains all of the control functionality and the communications functions with plug-in modules.
The C300 Controller may operate in both non-redundant and redundant configurations. Redundant operation requires a second identical controller and connecting cables, which is the typical configuration.
The C300 Controller is connected to the associated I/O hardware by a pair of I/O Link Interface cables The table below identifies the C300 Controller components and its associated components. TheC300 Controller supports non-redundant and fully redundant operation. Redundancy is built in to the controller, so that just adding another controller and a redundancy cable; a redundant controller pair is achieved.
Note that the ‘CC’ designation on the model number indicates the printed wiring boards are conformally coated for additional protection from the environment, (CU = uncoated).
A High Level Analog Input Module supports both high level analog and HART inputs. Analog inputs are typically 4- 20mA DC for both traditional and HART devices. HART data can be used for status and configuration. HART data, such as the secondary and tertiary variables, can also be used as process control variables.
The Series C modules comprise:
Input Output Termination Assembly (IOTA): An assembly that holds the IOM and the connections for field wiring,
Input Output Module (IOM): A device that contains most of the electronics required to perform a specific I/O function. The IOM plugs onto the IOTA.
热卖型号:CC-PDOB01 Experion系列C输入/输出模块
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S-113N 3BHB018008R0001相位模块1900/65A-00-00-01-00-00 1900/65A通用设备监视器
S-093H 3BHB030478R0009相位模块is220pdoah1a 336A4940CSP2离散输出包