详情介绍:CM30/2S0S1E0/STD 高度通用的1/4 DIN通用PID过程控制器
ControlMaster CM30是一款高度通用的1/4 DIN通用PID过程控制器。详细的工艺信息清晰地呈现在CM30的全彩TFT显示屏上,直观的操作界面简化了配置和操作。
The ControlMaster CM30 is a highly versatile, 1/4 DIN, universal PID process controller. Detailed process information is presented clearly on the CM30’s full-color TFT display and an intuitive operator interface simplifies configuration and operation.
Highly scalable in both hardware and software functionality, a CM30 can be specified easily to meet the needs of virtually any process control application – simple or advanced. Powerful control functions such as adaptive control, math, logic and totalization provide problem-solving flexibility and make the CM30 suitable for a wide range of process applications.
Fully configurable via the easy-to-navigate front panel menus or PC configuration software, the CM30 can be commissioned rapidly and then tuned via the advanced autotune capability.
MODBUS and Ethernet communication options ensure easy integration into a control system.
The CM30 is highly scalable in terms of both hardware and software, to fulfill the demands of the simplest to the most complex process. The basic CM30 meets the needs of a simple control loop. Templates and control functionality can be increased by adding function keys to the basic model. Each function key added provides additional templates and functionality as shown in
Fig. 1, while retaining previous templates and functionality. For I/O builds, see also Ordering information on page 23.
The CM30 features a full-color 9 cm (3.5 in.) display for displaying detailed process information to the user. Process details such as alarm messages and diagnostic information are displayed clearly in full text without the need for difficult-toread scrolling displays.
Example of an operator page
Automatic selection of standard display templates immediately makes best use of the CM30’s display. Extensive customization features then enable the displayed information to be tailored to suit the process requirements.
Diagnostics and alarm status display
The diagnostics and alarm status display provides detailed information on any active alarm or diagnostic condition. The operator can see, at-a-glance, the status of any alarm condition present within the process. Additionally, diagnostic messages are presented clearly to the operator, enabling rapid notification and simple diagnosis of any critical instrument status condition.
Historical information of diagnostic messages can also be viewed in the controller’s diagnostic log.
Trend display
Any 2 analog values within the CM30 can be plotted on the trend display to give a short-term process history. This feature enables control efficiency to be monitored against setpoint and assists in tuning during commissioning.
Exceptionally easy to use
The CM30’s full text display and simple-to-navigate, pop-up menu makes operation exceptionally easy.
A programmable soft key enables commonly used functions, such as alarm acknowledgement and display selection, to be accessed easily by the operator.
热卖型号:CM30/2S0S1E0/STD 高度通用的1/4 DIN通用PID过程控制器
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