H51q-HS B5233-1 997105233 HI Quad安全系统H41q/H51q系列

黑马安全系统/Hima HI Quad安全系统H41q/H51q系列MS/HS/HRS冗余设计

H41q/H51q系统为CPU四重化结构(Qmr-quadruple modular redundant),即系统的中央控制单元共有四个微处理器,每二个微处理器集成在一块CU模件上,再由两块同样的CU模件构成中央控制单元。

 黑马安全系统可编程电子系统(PES)HIQuad系统主要包括H41q和H51q两个系列,它们基于同样的硬件和软件,是第三代经生产实践验证的HIMA PES系统。它能够利用个人计算机进行灵活的用户组态、监测和事件记录,其出色的性能为生产控制提供最安全的控制保障。


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详情介绍:H51q-HS B5233-1 997105233 HI Quad安全系统H41q/H51q系列

黑马安全系统/Hima HI Quad安全系统H41q/H51q系列MS/HS/HRS冗余设计

H41q/H51q系统为CPU四重化结构(Qmr-quadruple modular redundant),即系统的中央控制单元共有四个微处理器,每二个微处理器集成在一块CU模件上,再由两块同样的CU模件构成中央控制单元。

 黑马安全系统可编程电子系统(PES)HIQuad系统主要包括H41q和H51q两个系列,它们基于同样的硬件和软件,是第三代经生产实践验证的HIMA PES系统。它能够利用个人计算机进行灵活的用户组态、监测和事件记录,其出色的性能为生产控制提供最安全的控制保障。

黑马安全系统的H41q/H51q系统为CPU四重化结构(Qmr-quadruple modular redundant),即系统的中央控制单元共有四个微处理器,每二个微处理器集成在一块CU模件上,再由两块同样的CU模件构成中央控制单元。一块CU模件即构成1oo2d结构,HIMA的1oo2d结构产品就可以满足AK6/Sil3的安全标准。为了向用户提供最大的可利用性,采用双1oo2d结构,即2oo4d结构。在冗余结构的情况下,高速双重RAM接口(DPR)使两个中央单元通讯,从而解决了无故障修复时间限制的难题。其容错功能使系统中的任何一个部件发生故障,均不影响系统的正常运行。

黑马安全系统的H41q系列是紧凑型系统,它主要由5单元高的19英寸机架构成。 中央机架容纳了所有部件, 包括中央单元、接口、通讯模件、电源和配电系统以及输入输出模件。

  • 2个CU模件和2个通讯模件
  • 集成的HIMA安全冗余系统
  • 可装13块IO卡(最多208 I/O点)
  • 2块电源卡(F7130A)



  • 2个CU模件,最多5个通讯模件CM
  • 3块电源卡:24Vdc/5Vdc
  • 1块电源监视卡(F7131)


  • 最多可以有4个配电模件
  • 最多16个。


  • 冗余的一对卡件分别装在上下两个不同的卡笼里
  • 卡件热插拔更换
  • 冗余卡件并列运行

黑马安全系统 H41q/H51q – 特点

  • 冗余配置的可选性使得系统设计具有极大的灵活性,以满足不同需求。
  • 物理上完全分离的冗余结构,消除了公共部分故障可能带来的致命风险。
  • 并列运行的冗余方式避免了卡件切换时可能引起的扰动,实现了真正意义的“热插拔”。
  • 低密度的I/O模件使得卡件故障的风险进一步分散。
  • 直观的编程、多种集成和通讯方式选择。
  • 1997年开始在全球使用,并且在技术上不断创新。至今“四重化”的结构模式几乎被所有新开发的esd系统所沿用。

H51q-H B5233-2 997235233

Dark Horse Safety System /Hima HI Quad Safety System H41q/H51q series MS/HS/HRS redundant design

H41q/H51q system for the CPU quadruple modular redundant (Qmr-quadruple modular redundant), that is, the central control unit of the system has four microprocessors, each of the two microprocessors integrated on a CU module, and then by two of the same CU module to form the central control unit.

Dark Horse Safety Systems – Programmable Electronic Systems (PES) HIQuad systems mainly include H41q and H51q two series, they are based on the same hardware and software, is the third generation of production practice proven HIMA PES systems. It can use the personal computer for flexible user configuration, monitoring and event recording, and its excellent performance provides the safest control guarantee for production control.

The H41q/H51q system of the Black Horse security system is a Qmr-quadruple modular redundant (QMR-Quadruple modular redundant), that is, the central control unit of the system has four microprocessors, each two microprocessors are integrated on a CU module, and then two of the same CU modules constitute the central control unit. A single CU module forms the 1oo2d structure, and HIMA’s 1oo2d structure products meet AK6/Sil3 safety standards. In order to provide maximum availability to the user, a double 1oo2d structure is used, that is, a 2oo4d structure. In the case of redundant structures, the high-speed dual RAM interface (DPR) enables the two central units to communicate, thus solving the problem of trouble-free repair time constraints. Its fault tolerance function makes any part of the system fail without affecting the normal operation of the system.

The H41q series of Dark Horse Security Systems is a compact system that consists primarily of a 5-unit tall 19-inch rack. The central rack houses all components, including the central unit, interfaces, communication modules, power and distribution systems, and input and output modules.

2 CU modules and 2 communication modules
Integrated HIMA safety redundancy system
Can hold 13 IO cards (up to 208 I/O points)
2 Power cards (F7130A)

The H51q series of Dark Horse Safety Systems features a standard modular construction consisting of a 5-unit high 19-inch rack and up to 16 4-unit high 19-inch input/output sub-racks. The central rack includes the central unit, interfaces, communication modules, monitoring and power modules.

Main frame

2 CU modules, up to 5 communication modules CM
Three power cards: 24Vdc/5Vdc
1 Power Monitoring card (F7131)

The I/O rack includes

A maximum of 4 distribution modules can be configured
16 at most.

Card piece

The redundant pair of cards are mounted in two separate card cages
Card hot swap replacement
Redundant cards run in parallel

Dark Horse Safety System H41q/H51q – Features

The availability of redundant configurations allows great flexibility in system design to meet different requirements.
The physically completely separated redundant structure eliminates the potentially fatal risk of failure of a common part.
The redundant mode of parallel operation avoids the disturbance that may be caused when the card is switched, and realizes the real sense of “hot swap”.
Low-density I/O modules further spread the risk of card failure.
Intuitive programming, multiple integration and communication options.
It began to be used worldwide in 1997 and continues to innovate in technology. So far, the “quadruple” structural model has been used by almost all newly developed esd systems.

热卖型号:H51q-HS B5233-1 997105233 HI Quad安全系统H41q/H51q系列

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