IS200TREGH1BDB Mark VI系列 跳闸紧急终止板特点:
通用电气或GE创建了IS200TREGH1BDB跳闸紧急终止板。IS200TREGH1BDB电路板是构成GE公司Mark VI系列的部件之一。Mark VI是组成燃气/涡轮设备Mark系列的系列之一。这些产品用于自动化和管理燃气和/或蒸汽涡轮机的过程。
Product Description
General Electric or GE created the IS200TREGH1BDB trip emergency termination board. The IS200TREGH1BDB circuit board is one of the components that make up the Mark VI series by GE. The Mark VI is one of the series which make up the Mark family of gas/turbine equipment. These products are used in automating and managing the processes of gas and/or steam turbines.
The rectangular IS200TREGH1BDB printed circuit board features two (2) long solid black terminal blocks on its left border. Inside each of these terminal blocks are twenty-four silver metallic terminals. A series of around ten (10) round red components known as MOVs or metal oxide varistors are lined up to the right of these terminal blocks. Most of the space in the middle of the IS200TREGH1BDB is occupied by a collection or large relays or contactors. These relays/contactors have been arranged into two (2) long lines of six (6) components each. The components are positioned in pairs that are parallel to each other from top to bottom. Sitting along the right border of the IS200TREGH1BDB is a group of three (3) jack connector ports. Each port contains a collection of small pin ports. Four (4) large capacitors that are in the shape of rectangles can be found in two (2) different areas on the right side of the IS200TREGH1BDB. These four (4) components are solid yellow. Two (2) are paired together near the upper right corner and the other two (2) are paired together in the corner at the bottom right.
其他相近型号:IS200TREGH1BDB Mark VI系列 跳闸紧急终止板
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