详情介绍:PR6426-010-140+CON21 8mm涡流传感器
PR6423/010-000-CN 8mm涡流传感器是一款非接触式传感器,设计用于重要的涡轮机械应用,例如蒸汽、燃气和水轮机、压缩机、齿轮箱等。它利用涡流原理来测量转动和静止部件之间的气隙、机器轴和外壳部件的振动、轴的动力和偏心等参数。
这款传感器具有多种优点,如体积小、可靠性高、非接触测量等。其测量范围广泛,可以测量大振幅,并提供与振动速度成正比的电压信号。此外,它还具有坚固的结构,允许安装在危险的环境中,并且防水保护等级较高,如IP 55或IP 65。
该传感器符合多种国际通用标准,例如API 670、DIN 45670和ISO 10817-1,保证了其测量结果的准确性和可靠性。同时,它还可以在需要防爆的环境中使用,防爆等级可达到Eex ib IIC T6/T4。
总的来说,PR6423/010-000-CN 8mm涡流传感器是一款功能强大、性能稳定的传感器,适用于各种涡轮机械的非接触式测量需求。
The PR6423/010-000-CN 8mm Eddy current sensor is a non-contact sensor designed for critical turbo-mechanical applications such as steam, gas and water turbines, compressors, gearboxes and more. It uses the vortex principle to measure parameters such as the air gap between rotating and stationary components, the vibration of machine shafts and housing components, shaft dynamics and eccentricity.
This sensor has several advantages, such as small size, high reliability, and non-contact measurement. It has a wide measuring range, can measure large amplitude, and provides a voltage signal proportional to the vibration speed. In addition, it has a robust construction that allows installation in hazardous environments and a high level of water protection, such as IP 55 or IP 65.
The sensor complies with a variety of international standards, such as API 670, DIN 45670 and ISO 10817-1, guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of its measurement results. At the same time, it can also be used in the need of explosion-proof environment, explosion-proof level up to Eex ib IIC T6/T4.
Overall, the PR6423/010-000-CN 8mm eddy current sensor is a powerful and stable sensor for non-contact measurement needs in a wide range of turbomachinery applications.
热卖型号:PR6426-010-140+CON21 8mm涡流传感器
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