详情介绍:RED670 1MRK000028-CAR01 线路差动保护RED670 2.0
相隔离电流差动保护为高阻故障提供了良好的灵敏度,并提供了安全的选相。每相六个稳定电流输入的可用性允许在三个终端应用中使用多断路器安排或最多五个终端应用中使用单断路器安排。差分方案中涉及的ied之间的通信基于IEEE C37.94标准,当需要冗余时,可以在重要安装中复制。
IED可用于具有IEC 61850-9-2LE过程总线的应用中,最多可使用六个合并单元(MU),具体取决于IED中包含的其他功能。
RED670 is used for the protection, control and monitoring of overhead lines and cables in all types of networks. The IED can be used from distribution up to the highest voltage levels. It is suitable for the protection of heavily loaded lines and multiterminal lines where the requirement for tripping is one-, two-, and/or three-phase. The IED is also suitable for protection of cable feeders to generator block transformers.
The phase segregated current differential protection provides an excellent sensitivity for high resistive faults and gives a secure phase selection. The availability of six stabilized current inputs per phase allows use on multi-breaker arrangements in three terminal applications or up to five terminal applications with single breaker arrangements. The communication between the IEDs involved in the differential scheme is based on the IEEE C37.94 standard and can be duplicated for important installations when required for redundancy reasons.
Charging current compensation allows high sensitivity also on long overhead lines and cables.
A full scheme distance protection is included to provide independent protection in parallel with the differential scheme in case of a communication channel failure for the differential scheme. The distance protection then provide protection for the entire line including the remote end back up capability either in case of a communications failure or via use of an independent communication channel to provide a fully redundant scheme of protection (that is a second main protection scheme). Eight channels for intertrip and other binary signals are available in the communication between the IEDs.
A high impedance differential protection can be used to protect T-feeders or line reactors.
The auto-reclose for single-, two- and/or three phase reclosing includes priority circuits for multi-breaker arrangements. It cooperates with the synchronism check function with high-speed or delayed reclosing.
High set instantaneous phase and earth overcurrent, four step directional or un-directional delayed phase and earth overcurrent, thermal overload and two step under- and overvoltage functions are examples of the available functions allowing the user to fulfill any application requirement.
The IED can also be provided with a full control and interlocking functionality including co-operation with the synchronism check function to allow integration of the main or back-up control.
Disturbance recording and fault locator are available to allow independent post-fault analysis after primary disturbances. The
Disturbance recorder will also show remote station currents, as received to this IED, time compensated with measure communication time.
Out of Step function is available to separate power system sections close to electrical centre at occurring out of step.
The IED can be used in applications with IEC 61850-9-2LE process bus with up to six merging units (MU) depending on other functionality included in the IED.
Each MU has eight analogue channels, normally four currents and four voltages. Conventional and Merging Unit channels can be mixed freely in the application.
The logic is prepared with a graphical tool. The advanced logic capability allows special applications such as automatic opening of disconnectors in multi-breaker arrangements, closing of breaker rings, load transfer logics etc. The graphical configuration tool ensures simple and fast testing and commissioning
热卖型号:RED670 1MRK000028-CAR01 线路差动保护RED670 2.0
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