详情介绍:RMP420 多用途I/O模块 用于报警监控和综合控制系统
该模块被批准用于Ex 2区应用。
•模拟和数字输入输出(AI, AO, DI和DO)。
RPM420 is a multipurpose I/O module for use in Alarm monitoring and Integrated Control Systems. RMP420 is designed for 32 field input channels in single topologies. Its interface towards the host control computer (RCU) is provided by redundant I/O bus.
The module is approved for Ex Zone 2 applications.
• 32 software configurable multipurpose solid-state channels.
• Analog and Digital Input and Output (AI, AO, DI and DO).
• 2 or 3 wire Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD).
• 2 channels can be configured as pulse/frequency/encoder input.
• Short-circuit protected I/O loop power output.
• Dual Remote I/O process BUS interface for redundant communication with host computer(s).
• Communication ports galvanically insulated from other module circuitry.
• Loop monitoring (per channel).
The RMP420 Multi-purpose I/O module is an important industrial automation component used in a wide range of industries. It has a variety of functions and features to meet the needs of different fields.
The RMP420 is designed for use with 32 field input channels in a single topology, making it ideal for integrated control systems for alarm monitoring and data processing. In the field of ship control, it is part of the Kongsberg Offshore Remote Input and Output system, which uses a serial processing bus (SPBus) to enable efficient communication between controller computers in a process network and between devices such as remote input and output (I/O) signal valves, relays and temperature sensors.
In addition, RMP420 is also widely used in CNC machinery, metallurgy, petroleum and natural gas, petrochemical, chemical, paper printing, textile printing and dyeing, machinery, electronic manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, tobacco, plastic machinery, electric power, water conservancy, water treatment/environmental protection, municipal engineering, boiler heating, energy, transmission and distribution and other industries.
The RMP420 module is typically cost-effective and is used to connect any number of inputs and outputs to Kongsberg Marine automation systems, independent remote devices and controller computers. Its high performance and stability make it widely used in the field of industrial automation.
热卖型号:RMP420 多用途I/O模块 用于报警监控和综合控制系统
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