详情介绍:SYMAP-ECG 先进的数字保护继电器
SyMApe is a flexible microprocessor-based digital protection device for use in low,medium, and high-voltage power systems.
Because of its integrated protection functions and human-machine interface capabilities it isan effcient and cost-effective solution for all types of switch bays.
With three powerful microprocessors, SYMApe offers complete protection functions forgenerators, motors (synchronous and asynchronous), transformers, power lines, and distri-butions.
All protection functions can be activated simultaneously and there are no limits to using allof them at the same time.
With SYMApo, five main breaker controls can be activated with all the necessary functions.such as display, control, and blocking, for optimal breaker management. A small integratedPLC allows individual interlocks from controlling functions. For flexibility in commissioningand during use, both digital and analog outputs can be used to connect the SYMAP* controlunit to main switchboard controls. Additionally, a variety of serial interfaces with differentkinds of protocols can be used for communication between SYMAp® units and the centralcontrol system.
For diagnostics and monitoring, SYMApe has three microprocessors that supervise eachother, providing a watchdog system, lmportant functions are laid out in a double redun-dancy combination, operating independently with the second processor. Connected sepa.rately, an optional unit for short circuit protection operates parallel to the SYMApe deviceand will do so even ifthe entire voltage fails.
SYMAp* is easy to program and operate. A large graphic LCD with optional LED indicatorsconveys important data, such as position of all connected breakers, parameter settings, andevent histories, at a glance, Graphics and measurements are displayed side-by-side on theLCD, so that the user does not have to switch between pages.
The entire programming of SYMAp® can be done with thekeys on its front panel or using a laptop. Using a laptopoffers certain advantages, such as parameter data storedin the laptop can be easily input into other SYMAp units.Either way, ease of programming is quaranteed and on-sitevisits by the manufacturer’s engineers during commission-ing a黽赎蒌鹸溦⑲怫镳鵯芡求浙夋楽璠顎峤匭豸椴桨旁焯覘爲狱霊uired.
SYMApe provides four hotkeys under the LCD through whichfour main groups of values can be accessed:»Meters«, »Alarm«, »Processa and »Breaker Controlx.The user can press the hotkeys to scroll through pages ofinformation pertaining to these values.
Under the hotkey wMetersa, detailed information of elec-tric measurement values, counters for active and reactivepower, and of working hours is provided, Under the hotkey wAlarmsx, all active alarms,eventstores, and blockings are displayed. Under »Processa, all process data, such as syn-chronization display, motor thermal indication, and breaker counters, are shown. Under»Breaker Controla, up to five breakers can be accessed and controlled.
When programming breaker controls, the user has access to various layout confgurationsavailable through a library of graphics maintained within SYMAP*. Programmed blockingsremain active when manual control of the breaker is used. Each of the highlighted breakersin the LCD can be further controlled by the keys »O« and »la.
For security, access to SYMAp®’s parameter and breaker control data is protected by a codesystem.
The code system offers access by password input.
热卖型号:TIS600-124-SIG TIS系列的开关电源
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