详情介绍:TSIO-1001 SynqNet I/O网络适配器
Slice l/0是用于synqnet系统的方便和模块化的l/0包。SyngNet支持超过16,000位的数字l/0和超过1,000点的模拟l/0,具有超快的l/0响应。
安装在标准35mm DlN轨道上
e减少设置TimeSyngNet 1 /0节点是自发现和枚举的。拓扑管理可以快速发现安装错误。
。 快速位置捕获基于时间的捕获技术允许在任何网络节点上快速输入。

Standard l/0 for SyngNet Systems
Slice l/0 is a convenient and modular l/0 package forSynqNet systems. SyngNet supports over 16,000 bits ofdigital l/0 and over 1,000 points of analog l/0 with ultra-fastl/0 response.
Supported Features
Convenient, modular l/0 for all SyngNet networksGuaranteed SyngNet interoperability with no networkprogramming
Each SyngNet network adapter allows up to 256 digitalinputs, 256 digital outputs, 16 analog inputs, and 16analog outputs
Full range of digital and analog Slices availableEasy to add or change Slices
Mounts on standard 35mm DlN rails
Compatible with all SyngNet controllers and softwareproducts
Single network for motion and l/0
Use a single programming environment for l/0 andmotion application developmentCANOpen network adapter available upon request
Launched in 2001, SynqNet is a digital machine control network specifically designed to meet the flexibility, performance, and safety requirements of today’s demanding machine control applications. Built on the 100BT physical layer, SynqNet provides a synchronous real-time connection between motion controllers, servo drives, stepper drives, I/O modules, and custom devices.
Key Benefits
e Reduced Development TimeUse one machine application and network formotion and l/0. Distributed network archite ctureallows flexible placement of l/0 modules.
eIncreased Machine PerformanceTight coordination between motion and //0 withreal-time data analysis updated every networkcycle (2kHz or more).
e Reduced Setup TimeSyngNet l/0 nodes are self-discovering andenumerating.Topologymanagement quicklydiscovers installation errors.
。 Fast Position CaptureTime based capture techniques allow fast inputsat any network node.
其他相近型号:TSIO-1001 SynqNet I/O网络适配器
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