详情介绍:VMIVME-2540-300 24-Channel智能 计数器/控制器
板载68HC000 CPU直接配置和管理每个STC接口,使VMEbus主机接口提升到硬件级别之上。订购选项允许VMIVME-2540在工厂配置1,2,4或6个系统定时控制器。系统时序控制器的输入和输出在带有RS-422线路接收器和线路驱动器的前面板连接器处进行缓冲。通过前面板将RS-422线路接收器的反相输入连接到板上1.4 V基准,并将TTL信号连接到非反相输入,支持TTL输入信号兼容性。
智能计数器/控制器的用户界面由一个15 MHz的68HC000 CPU实现,支持64 Kbyte的EPROM固件,128 Kbyte的零等待状态静态RAM,以及高度集成的控制和中断逻辑。VMEbus主机通过在本地内存中对函数控制块进行排队并发出命令来编程ICC。CPU通过解释功能控制块,配置系统定时控制器,然后确认主机命令来响应命令。配置完成后,CPU在本地内存中维护测量数据的数据结构,并在测量或控制过程完成时中断VMEbus主机。
VMIVME-2540的从VMEbus接口位于A32或A24地址空间中的64 Kbyte VMEbus本地内存窗口,带有拨码开关,具有非特权和/或监督访问。由于RAM是共享的,因此VMEbus主机必须与68HC000 CPU仲裁本地总线访问。数据访问可以是D32、D24、D16、D08,支持不对齐传输。由于本地CPU从RAM执行其代码,仲裁器在单个VMEbus数据传输后放弃对本地资源的控制。
The ICC counter circuitry consists of six programmable System Timing Controllers (STCs). Each STC provides the ICC with four high-speed counter/waveform synthesis interfaces, giving the VMIVME-2540 twenty-four channels of digital measurement and control. The STC counters may be configured individually or in groups of up to four to implement the various measurement and control functions.
The on-board 68HC000 CPU configures and manages each STC interface directly, allowing the VMEbus host interface to be elevated above the hardware level. Ordering options allow the VMIVME-2540 to be factory configured with 1, 2, 4, or 6 System Timing Controllers. The inputs and outputs of the System Timing Controllers are buffered at the front panel connectors with RS-422 line receivers and line drivers. TTL input signal compatibility is supported by connecting the inverting input of the RS-422 line receiver to an on-board 1.4 V reference through the front panel, and the TTL signal to the noninverting input.
The user interface of the Intelligent Counter/Controller is implemented by a 15 MHz 68HC000 CPU supported by 64 Kbyte of EPROM firmware, 128 Kbyte of zero-wait-state static RAM, and highly-integrated control and interrupt logic. The VMEbus host programs the ICC by queueing function control blocks in local memory and issuing commands. The CPU responds to the commands by interpreting the function control blocks, configuring the system timing controllers, and then acknowledging the host command. Once configured, the CPU maintains data structures of measurement data in local memory and interrupts the VMEbus host when a measurement or control process is complete.
The slave VMEbus interface of the VMIVME-2540 locates the 64 Kbyte VMEbus local memory window in A32 or A24 address space with DIP switches, with nonprivileged and/or Supervisory access. The VMEbus host must arbitrate with the 68HC000 CPU for local bus access since the RAM is shared. The data accesses may be D32, D24, D16, and D08, and unaligned transfers are supported. Because the local CPU executes its code from RAM, the arbiter relinquishes control of the local resources after a single VMEbus data transfer.
热卖型号:VMIVME-2540-300 24-Channel智能 计数器/控制器
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