XVC768AE123 3BHB007211R0123
XVC768AE123 3BHB007211R0123 有了ABB,您所需要的零件或交换驱动器总是可用的,有了ABB,真正的备件和交换单元总是可用的,无论您需要它们。我们为所有在其生命周期的活跃和经典阶段的驱动器类型提供备件,并为一些在有限阶段的驱动器。我们还将帮助您选择具有适合您的应用程序的正确功能的最佳交换单元。所有ABB的备件和交换单元都有一年的保修期。 7轴,6mm x 181mm ABB通用驱动器易于购买,安装,配置和使用,节省大量时间。它们可以通过ABB的渠道合作伙伴广泛获得。这些驱动器具有与现场总线的通用用户和过程接口,用于调整、调试、维护和通用备件的通用软件工具。ABB通用驱动器可用于广泛的行业。典型的应用包括泵,风扇和恒扭矩使用,如输送机。ABB通用驱动器在那些需要简化安装、调试和使用的情况下是理想的,在那些不需要定制或特殊产品工程的情况下。•真正的备件意味着无故障的流程操作•ABB的全球网络允许高效的备件交付,•根据材料需要进行包装•安装说明书•安装附件(如连接器和螺钉)•将部件运送到现场•订购部件的保修服务不包括•安装备件或维修工作项目部件编号说明230Vac 480Vac -VDR-04A6-2 -VDR-06A6-2 – vdr – 07a5 -VDR-012A-2 -VDR-03A3-4 -VDR-04A1-4 -VDR-017A-2 -VDR-012A-2 -VDR-017A-2 – vdr – 017a -4 -VDR-04A1-4-VDR-06A9-4 -VDR-08A8-4 vdr – 012 a – 4
Industrial control refers to industrial automation control, mainly achieved by the combination of electronic and electrical, machinery and software. It is industrial control, or factory automation control. It mainly refers to the use of computer technology, microelectronics technology, electrical means, so that the factory’s production and manufacturing process more automation, efficiency, precision, and controllability and visibility. Industrial control computer, is a bus structure, the production process and its mechanical and electrical equipment, process equipment for testing and control tools. It has important computer attributes and characteristics, such as: with computer CPU, hard disk, memory, peripherals and interface, and real-time operating system, control network and protocol, computing ability, friendly man-machine interface. The main categories of industrial computer are: IPC (PC bus industrial computer), PLC (programmable control system), DCS (distributed control system), FCS (field bus system) and CNC (numerical control system) five. Learn electronics people know, PLC is a very important device, is also a relatively large difficulty of a technology, it is designed specifically for the application in the industrial environment and digital operation electronic system, is to achieve industrial automation, the foundation of the Internet of things control, the future has a very broad application prospects.