详情介绍:DCP71150C012010H0 16 位数字信号控制器
该系列器件的内核具有24位指令字。程序计数器(PC)为 23 位宽,且最低有效位(Least Significant bit,LSb)总是处于清零状态 (见第 3.1 节 “程序地址空间”)。除某些专用指令外,在正常程序执行期间,忽略最高有效位(Most Significant bit,MSb)。鉴于此,PC 最多可寻址 4M 指令字的用户程序空间。它使用指令预取机制来帮助维持吞吐量。使用 DO 和 REPEAT 指令支持无需循环计数管理开销的程序循环结构,这两条指令在任何时候都可被中断。
工作寄存器阵列由 16 个 16 位寄存器组成,每个工作寄存器都可以充当数据、地址或地址偏移量寄存器。工作寄存器 (W15)用作中断和调用操作的软件堆栈指针。数据空间为 64 KB (32K 字),它被分成两块,分别称为 X 数据存储区和 Y 数据存储区。每个存储区都有各自独立的地址发生单元(Address Generation Unit,AGU)。大部分指令只通过 X 存储区 AGU 进行操作,这样对外界而言数据空间就是单独而统一的。乘—累加(MAC)类双源操作数 DSP 指令通过 X 和 Y 的 AGU 进行操作,将数据地址空间分成两个部分 (见第 3.2 节“数据地址空间”)。X 和 Y 数据空间的边界视具体器件而定,不能由用户修改。每个数据字由 2 个字节组成,大部分指令可以按字或字节对数据进行寻址。
• 可以选择将数据存储空间的高 32 KB 映射到由 8 位程序空间可视性页 (Program Space VisibilityPage,PSVPAG)寄存器定义的任何 16K 程序字边界内的程序空间的低半部分 (用户空间)。程序空间到数据空间的映射功能让任何指令都能像访问数据空间一样访问程序空间。但访问需要占用一个额外的指令周期。且使用此方法仅能访问每个指令字的低 16 位。
• 也可以通过表读 / 表写指令使用工作寄存器对程序空间内大小为 32K 字的页进行线性间接访问。可使用表读和表写指令访问一个指令字的所有 24位。
X和Y地址空间都支持无开销的循环缓冲区(模寻址)。模寻址主要用于减少 DSP 算法的循环开销。
X AGU 还支持对目标有效地址 (Effective Address,EA)的位反转寻址,从而大幅简化了基 2 FFT 算法对输入或输出数据的重新排序。欲知有关模寻址和位反转寻址的详细信息,请参见第 4.0 节 “地址发生器单元”。内核支持固有(无操作数)寻址、相对寻址、立即数寻址、存储器直接寻址、寄存器直接和寄存器间接寻址,以及寄存器偏移量和立即数偏移量寻址模式。每条指令根据其功能要求,与一组预定义的寻址模式相关。对于大多数指令,在每个指令周期,内核能执行一次数据(或程序数据)存储器读操作、一次工作寄存器(数据)读操作、一次数据存储器写操作和一次程序 (指令)存储器读操作。因此,可以支持 3 操作数的指令,使 C = A+ B 操作能在单周期内执行。
The core of this series of devices has 24 bit instruction words. The program counter (PC) is 23 bits wide, and the Least Significant bit (LSb) is always clear (see Section 3.1, “Program Address Space”). Except for certain specialized instructions, the Most Significant bit (MSb) is ignored during normal program execution. In view of this, the PC can address a user program space of up to 4M instruction words. It uses an instruction prefetch mechanism to help maintain throughput. The DO and REPEAT instructions support the loop structure of a program without the overhead of loop count management, which can be interrupted at any time.
The working register array consists of 16 16-bit registers, each of which can act as a data, address, or address offset register. The working register (W15) is used as a software stack pointer for interrupt and invoke operations. The data space is 64 KB (32K words), and it is divided into two pieces, called the X data store and the Y data store. Each storage area has its own Address Generation Unit (AGU). Most instructions operate only through the X storage AGU, so that the data space is separate and unified to the outside world. The multiply-accumulator (MAC) class dual-source operand DSP instruction operates through the AGU of X and Y, dividing the data address space into two parts (see Section 3.2, “Data Address Space”). The boundaries of the X and Y data Spaces are device-specific and cannot be modified by the user. Each data word consists of 2 bytes, and most instructions can address the data by word or byte.
There are two ways to access data in the program memory:
You can optionally map the high 32 KB of data storage Space to the lower half of the Program space (user space) within any 16K program word boundary defined by the 8-bit Program Space VisibilityPage (PSVPAG) register. Program space to data space mapping allows any instruction to access the program space as it would the data space. But access takes an additional instruction cycle. Only the lower 16 bits of each instruction word can be accessed using this method.
• Linear indirect access to 32K word pages in program space can also be achieved using working registers via table read/table write instructions. All 24 bits of an instruction word can be accessed using table read and table write instructions.
Both the X and Y address Spaces support overhead circular buffers (modular addressing). Modular addressing is mainly used to reduce the loop overhead of DSP algorithms.
The X AGU also supports bit-reversed addressing of the target Effective Address (EA), which greatly simplifies the reordering of input or output data by the Base 2 FFT algorithm. For more information on modular and bit-reversed addressing, see Section 4.0, “Address Generator Units.” The kernel supports intrinsic (operand free) addressing, relative addressing, immediate addressing, memory direct addressing, register direct and register indirect addressing, and register offset and immediate offset addressing modes. Each instruction is associated with a predefined set of addressing modes based on its functional requirements. For most instructions, the kernel can perform one data (or program data) memory read, one working register (data) read, one data memory write, and one program (instruction) memory read per instruction cycle. Therefore, instructions with 3 operands can be supported so that C = A+ B operations can be executed in a single cycle.
热卖型号:DCP71150C012010H0 16 位数字信号控制器
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