E4809 045 113 _ E4809045113 TCC-B KuKa 印刷电路板


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E4809-045-012-D KuKa 印刷电路板

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E4809 045 113 _ E4809045113 TCC-B在DCS关联领域有许多新进展,主要表现在如下一些方面。
(3)工控软件正向先进控制方向发展。广泛应用各种先进控制与优化技术是挖掘并提升DCS综合性能最有效、最直接、也是最具价值的发展方向,主要包括先进控制、过程优化、信息集成、系统集成等软件的开发和产业化应用。E4809 045 113 _ E4809045113 TCC-B在未来,工业控制软件也将继续向标准化、网络化、智能化和开放性发展方向。
(4)系统架构向FCS方向发展。单纯从技术而言,现阶段现场总线集成于DCS可以有三种方式:① 现场总线于DCS系统I/O总线上的集成――通过一个现场总线接口卡挂在DCS的I/O总线上,使得在DCS控制器所看到的现场总线来的信息就如同来自一个传统的DCS设备卡一样。例如Fisher-Rosemount公司推出的DeltaV系统采用的就是此种集成方案。② 现场总线于DCS系统网络层的集成――就是在DCS更高一层网络上集成现场总线系统,这种集成方式不需要对DCS控制站进行改动,对原有系统影响较小。如Smar公司的302系列现场总线产品可以实现在DCS系统网络层集成其现场总线功能。③ 现场总线通过网关与DCS系统并行集成――现场总线和DCS还可以通过网关桥接实现并行集成。E4809 045 113 _ E4809045113 TCC-B如SUPCON的现场总线系统,利用HART协议网桥连接系统操作站和现场仪表,从而实现现场总线设备管理系统操作站与HART协议现场仪表之间的通信功能。










DCS usually adopts hierarchical structure, each level is composed of several subsystems, and each subsystem achieves certain limited goals, forming a pyramid structure.
Reliability is the life of the development of DCS. There are three main measures to ensure the high reliability of DCS: First, widely apply high-reliability hardware equipment and production technology; Second, extensive use of redundancy technology; Thirdly, the fault-tolerant technology, fault self-diagnosis and automatic processing technology of the system are widely realized in software design. Nowadays, the MTBF of most distributed control systems can reach tens or even hundreds of thousands of hours.
There are many new developments in the related field of DCS, mainly in the following aspects.
(1) The system functions are developing in an open direction. The traditional DCS structure is closed, and it is difficult for DCS from different manufacturers to be compatible. The open DCS will give users greater autonomy in system integration, and users can choose different manufacturers’ equipment and software resources to connect to the control system according to actual needs, so as to achieve the best system integration. This includes not only the integration of DCS with DCS, but also the generalized integration of DCS with PLC, FCS and various control equipment and software resources.
(2) Instrument technology is developing towards digitalization, intelligence and networking. The intelligent and networked development of industrial control equipment can further decentralize the function of process control, and realize the true “all-digital” and “all-decentralized” control. In addition, because these intelligent instruments have the characteristics of high precision, good repeatability, high reliability, bidirectional communication and self-diagnosis function, the installation, use and maintenance of the system are more convenient.
(3) Industrial control software is developing towards advanced control. Widely applying various advanced control and optimization technologies is the most effective, direct and valuable development direction for mining and improving the comprehensive performance of DCS, mainly including the development and industrial application of advanced control, process optimization, information integration, system integration and other software. In the future, industrial control software will continue to develop towards standardization, networking, intelligence and openness.



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