RDC2 MOOG 驱动器 仓库现货

RDC2 驱动器 仓库现货

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品牌 品名 产品型号 订货号
Berghof 模块 RDC2
产地 可售卖地 是否进口 保修期
美国 全国、国外 一年
发货地点 发货方式 使用方式 适用行业
厦门 顺丰快递 调试安装 电厂钢厂水泥厂船舶造纸
服务优势 国外进口 、 备货供应、 价格合适、品质可靠 订货
产品特点 一手货源、  按型号供货 售后有保障 何经理180,5988-4797


电机驱动器的作用 :









Function of motor driver:

The function of the motor driver refers to the way of controlling the idle speed of the motor by controlling the rotation Angle and running speed of the motor, so as to achieve the control of the duty cycle.

Why a motor needs a driver:

Whether it is a brushless DC motor, a stepper motor, or a servo motor, it will be paired with the corresponding drive.

1, the DC brushless motor replaces the mechanical commutator with an electronic commutator, and the DC brushless motor needs to use the driver drive circuit because of the electronic commutation.

2, the stepper motor to run then must input pulse, if there is no pulse, the stepper motor is not moving, so we need a driver to the winding of the stepper motor in turn energized.

3, the servo motor is no brush and commutator, so to maintain the rotation direction, it is necessary to have an electronic commutator. The electronic commutator is controlled by the driver, and the servo controller can also control the start and stop of the motor, positive and negative rotation, speed adjustment, over-voltage, over-current and under-voltage protection. Therefore, there must be a servo drive, even if the servo motor is directly powered on, it will not work.

Therefore, different drivers have different functions, and what they have in common is to control the motor more accurately.