REM610 多功能电动机保护继电器

REM 610 是一种多功能电动机保护继电器,专为中型和大型的标准异步电机保护而设计,广泛应用于多种中压电机设备。主要应用范围为容量 500 kW 到 2 MW 的电动机。REM 610 保护继电器不单是一流的继电保护产品,还提供增值的信息软件包,即应用过程中相关产品及使用信息。该软件包包括技术数据、用户文档以及接线图等基本信息以确保继电器在其整个产品使用过程中始终顺利运行并高效使用。您可以通过操作员界面或通过装有 InformIT Aspect ObjectViewer 免费软件的电脑轻松获取该信息。


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详情介绍:REM610 多功能电动机保护继电器

REM 610 是一种多功能电动机保护继电器,专为中型和大型的标准异步电机保护而设计,广泛应用于多种中压电机设备。主要应用范围为容量 500 kW 到 2 MW 的电动机。REM 610 保护继电器不单是一流的继电保护产品,还提供增值的信息软件包,即应用过程中相关产品及使用信息。该软件包包括技术数据、用户文档以及接线图等基本信息以确保继电器在其整个产品使用过程中始终顺利运行并高效使用。您可以通过操作员界面或通过装有 InformIT Aspect ObjectViewer 免费软件的电脑轻松获取该信息。
REM 610 具有一系列集成的保护功能,可以完全保护电机免受损坏。在电机启动、运行、空转以及停止冷却期间都能处理故障,特别适用于水泵、鼓风机、研磨机或轧碎机的应用中。该继电器可用于由断路器或接触器控制的电机系统,从而增强系统保护能力,提高了安全性能,改进流程操作并延长电机的使用寿命。
此外,REM 610 还适用于保护电力电缆出线以及要求具有热过载保护的电力变压器。同时具有单相、两相或三相过流保护或不带方向接地保护功能。该继电器还与其他要求热保护功能的设备相兼容,例如馈线电缆和配电变压器。
REM 610为您的电机保护应用提供最佳性能和最广泛的可用性。这些品质来源于ABB对电机本体以及在各种应用场合的深入了解。我们已有 40,000 多台电机保护继电器销往世界各地。ABB 真正了解您的需求,实现您的愿望。即使在辅助电源发生故障后,由于使用了掉电非易失性芯片,REM 610 仍然能够记录故障数据并报告用户。该继电器本身安全可靠,并具有卓越的抗外部干扰能力。三个已定义的以及八个可由用户定义的 LED 可以实现快速故障指示和定位。


REM 610 is a multi-function motor protection relay designed for medium and large standard asynchronous motor protection and is widely used in a variety of medium voltage motor equipment. The main application range is electric motors with capacity from 500 kW to 2 MW. REM 610 protective relays are not only first-class relay protection products, but also provide value-added information packages, namely relevant product and usage information during the application process. The package includes basic information such as technical data, user documentation, and wiring diagrams to ensure the smooth operation and efficient use of relays throughout their product life. You can easily obtain this information through the operator interface or through a computer equipped with the InformIT Aspect ObjectViewer free software.
Excellent protection
The REM 610 features a range of integrated protection features that fully protect the motor from damage. Faults can be handled during motor start-up, operation, idling and stop cooling, especially in pumps, blowers, grinders or crusher applications. The relay can be used in motor systems controlled by circuit breakers or contactors to enhance system protection, improve safety performance, improve process operation and extend motor life.
In addition, REM 610 is suitable for protecting power cable outlets and power transformers requiring thermal overload protection. It also has single-phase, two-phase or three-phase overcurrent protection or directional grounding protection. The relay is also compatible with other devices that require thermal protection, such as feeder cables and distribution transformers.
First-class quality
REM 610 offers the best performance and widest availability for your motor protection applications. These qualities are derived from ABB’s in-depth knowledge of the motor body and in a variety of applications. We have sold more than 40,000 motor protective relays worldwide. ABB truly understands your needs and fulfills your wishes. Even after the failure of the auxiliary power supply, the REM 610 is still able to record the failure data and report it to the user thanks to the use of the power failure non-volatile chip. The relay itself is safe and reliable, and has excellent resistance to external interference. Three defined and eight user-defined leds enable rapid fault indication and location.
Advanced communication
The relay’s local communication capability is enhanced through wireless communication between the relay and the laptop. The new HMI supports up to seven user languages and provides you with fault indications, fault logging, and measurement data ranging from current and temperature all the way to historical data. In addition, its user-friendly graphical configuration tools allow you to easily configure according to your individual specific application.

热卖型号:REM610 多功能电动机保护继电器

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