SCXI-1120D 模块 8通道电压输入模块

镍SCXI-1120D(零件号:776572-20D)8通道电压输入模块专为需要20 kHz带宽且存在高共模电压的热电偶、电流、电压和毫伏源的经济信号调理而设计。每个通道都有一个4.5 kHz或22.5 kHz的可配置低通滤波器。这电压输入模块可以与一起使用,具有完整的功能最小可辨气味(minimum identifiable odo(u)r),1200系列,以及实验室PC+设备依据国家文书

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品牌 品名 产品型号 订货号
NI 模块 SCXI-1120D
产地 可售卖地 是否进口 保修期
美国 全国、国外 一年
发货地点 发货方式 使用方式 适用行业
厦门 顺丰快递 调试安装 电厂钢厂水泥厂船舶造纸
服务优势 国外进口 、 备货供应、 价格合适、品质可靠 订货
产品特点 一手货源、  按型号供货 售后有保障 何经理180,5988-4797

镍SCXI-1120D(零件号:776572-20D)8通道电压输入模块专为需要20 kHz带宽且存在高共模电压的热电偶、电流、电压和毫伏源的经济信号调理而设计。每个通道都有一个4.5 kHz或22.5 kHz的可配置低通滤波器。这电压输入模块可以与一起使用,具有完整的功能最小可辨气味(minimum identifiable odo(u)r),1200系列,以及实验室PC+设备依据国家文书。这SCXI 1120D还可以与实验室-NB,实验室液相色谱,实验室电脑,以及PC-LPM-16/PnP设备。然而,当模块配置为多路输出模式时,这些设备都无法扫描模块。如果SCXI-1120D与屏蔽接线盒一起使用,然后增加螺丝端子,确保简单的信号连接到模块。


编程时有几个选项可用国家仪器SCXI 1120D电压输入模块。用户可以利用VirtualBench、ComponentWorks、LabWindows/CVI、Measure、NI-DAQ或寄存器级编程。使用VirtualBench、ComponentWorks、LabWindows/CVI或LabVIEW将显著减少用户开发数据采集和控制应用程序的时间。


The NI SCXI-1120D (Part Number: 776572-20D) 8-Channel Voltage Input Module is created for economical signal conditioning of thermocouple, current, volt, and millivolt sources that need a 20 kHz bandwidth and where high common-mode voltages occur. Every channel has a configurable lowpass filter of 4.5 kHz or 22.5 kHz. This Voltage Input Module can be utilized with complete functionality with the MIO1200 Series, and Lab PC+ devices by National Instruments. The SCXI 1120D can additionally be used with the Lab-NBLab-LCLab-PC, and PC-LPM-16/PnP devices. However, none of these devices can scan the module when it is configured in the multiplexed-output mode. If the SCXI-1120D is used with a shielded terminal block, then the screw terminals added ensure simple signal attachment to the module.

Another useful way to utilize the NI SCXI-1120D is as a swift scanning signal conditioner for applications such as production testing, laboratory testing, and industrial process monitoring. Every input channel on the SCXI-1120D has two gain stages that are user-configurable. The first gain stage delivers gains of 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100. On the other hand, the second gain stage delivers gains of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20. Also, the NI SCXI-1120D has a fixed pre-stage gain of 0.5.

A few options are available when programming the National Instruments SCXI 1120D Voltage Input Module. The user can utilize VirtualBench, ComponentWorks, LabWindows/CVI, Measure, NI-DAQ, or register-level programming. The use of VirtualBench, ComponentWorks, LabWindows/CVI, or LabVIEW will significantly decrease the time the user spends developing their data acquisition and control application.